Saturday, November 13, 2010

Maine Blueberry Jam

In honor of Veterans Day, I decided to make something "all American" and also create a tribute to Maine. So I got out my canning tools, some blueberries frozen earlier, and got going. I started with about 6 cups of blueberries and looked up the recipe in "Ball Blue Book" of Preserving. I adapted it to cut back the sugar, & basically:
1. Washed the blueberries,
2. Washed all the canning jars/ lids and immersed them in hot water,
3. Dissolved about 2 cups of sugar, 1/4 cup lemon juice, and pectin and calcium water, with the blueberries and cooked and mashed them.
4. Ladled the hot jam into hot jars, leaving 1/4-inch of head space and put the lids on the jars.
5. Processed the jars for 10 minutes in a hot water bath.
6. Had Billie Sue Corgi, monitor them cooling on the rack. (Catcher corgi and Ben the cat were near by giving their input too.)
7. Sampled one jar-- had with crackers & a little butter the next day-- ymm!
8. Hope to give the remainder to my friends at work for the holidays.


  1. Oh yum! We used to go blueberry picking in Michigan years ago. This looks wonderful and thank you for your easy-to-read instructions. I always think oh, those instructions are probably too much to read and put it "on the back burner" again. Now to get Julie to put the great pot roast recipe, that she learned recently, on here!

  2. Thanks April.... I love canning.. Just have to find the time.. WIll look forward to the pot roast recipe :)

  3. Hi Janis,
    Your jam looks awesome! I have a big bag of frozen blueberries from Michigan in my freezer. I will have to pull out my canning supplies and make some!Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving.
